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Deep Cleaning - Services

Deep Cleaning

Deep Cleaning

We all know those cleaning tasks we avoid until it’s absolutely necessary – when the oven makes smoke signals, or the inside of the microwave looks like your kids finger painting project. While it may be greasy, the payoff is huge. So, stop putting those deep cleaning tasks aside! Global Clean Services is ready to take on any cleaning matter in hands, we are passionate about cleaning and providing a reliable service.

Global Clean Services begins every recurring service with an initial house cleaning. During the initial cleaning, extra attention is given to those often-neglected areas. We wipe clean all surfaces in the home, including tables, countertops, appliances, chairs, dressers, window sills, sink basins and faucets. We spend extra time in the bathroom, cleaning the bathtub, shower, mirrors and toilet. Light fixtures, picture frames and baseboards – we dust them all. We then vacuum the furniture and finish the job by vacuuming and mopping the floors.

Deep Cleaning
Deep Cleaning
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